
The Examination Cell is an important part of the autonomy. There is sufficient number of supporting staff from each department to look after the routine works of the Exam Cell. The Examination Cell coordinator also maintains a smooth functioning of the continuous assessment tests and conducting of all examinations.

The Examination Cell is responsible for all maintenance of all student performance records, communication from the Office of the Controller of Examinations to the college and vice versa, issue of examination applications to students, submission of examination application at the Office of the Controller of Examinations, coordinate with the Zonal Office for the smooth conduct of the Practical Examinations and Theory Examinations, safe keeping of examination stationery, forwarding of student requests, vide lost marks statements, certificates and enquiries.

The Examination Cell has been provided with, up to date computer systems, communications networks, high speed printers and copiers to enable the smooth functioning of the same. The Examination Cell is under the direct supervision of the Principal who is also the Chief Superintendent. The Chief Superintendent is assisted by the Examinations Coordinator(s) and clerical staff.

The Function of the Examination Cell

  • Any Circular, Guideline, Office Order, Notification received by the College are processed in the Examination cell, reply thereof prepared and after Principal’s signature dispatched to the University.
  • Examination Notices received from the University are duly served to all concerned.
  • The notices for University indicating details regarding fee collection, the last date of fee collection, modalities of payments of fine etc.
  • Preparation of smooth conduct of examinations, preparation of time table, invigilation duty chart, seat allotment in the examination halls etc.
  • During the examination time, proper staff mobilization, assigning the duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
  • After completion of examination, distribution of answer books to the concerned teachers and receiving the answer books and award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to University.
  • After the results of various examinations received from the University, distribution of marks sheets to students.
  • The Exam cell analyzes all examination results and in consultation with the Principal, prepares the report thereof for submission to appropriate authorities for follow up action.
  • The University Degree Certificates received from the University by the college are sent to the students concerned by the Exam cell.
  • Examination Cell prepares all inputs for preparation and organizing the Convocation.
  • The Examination Cell coordinates the conduct of Internal Examinations as well as University Examinations for all the UG and PG programmes.

Major Activities of Exam Cell

  • Issue of University Mark Statements
  • Issue of Duplicate Hall Ticket
  • Issue of Provisional Certificates
  • Issue of Degree Certificates
  • Issue of Hall Tickets
  • Revaluation Procedures
  • Registration for University Exams
  • Graduation Day Arrangements
  • Conduct of AUC Examinations
  • Conduct of Internal Assessment Tests
  • Conduct of Police Recruitment Exam
  • Conduct of Railway Recruitment Board Exam
  • Conduct of TNPSC Exams
  • Preparation of Tentative Schedules for Internal Assessment Tests

Conduct of Internal Test / Model Examination (UG/PG)

  1. In general 3 Internal Exams for UG/PG classes are conducted. The Coordinator of Examination Cell maintains a department wise list of examination coordinators. The college conducts the internal tests satisfying the requirements of Anna University.
  2. The College Academic Calendar indicates the tentative examination schedule for Internal Test and model examinations. Exact schedules are fixed by the Controller of Examination in consultation with the HODs and Principal. These are informed to staff and student through circulars. In any unexpected circumstance, the department postpones the test schedule of a particular Degree/Branch or a particular subject and the department has to arrange to conduct it. The faculty handling the subjects are intimated and directed to prepare question papers in the University pattern and send the printed copy to the COEs office before the specific date mentioned in the circular through Examination coordinators. COEs office arranges sufficient copies before the examination. The retest, if required will be conducted by the department. A schedule for invigilation duty is prepared by the Exam Cell. The faculty will attend the invigilation duty as per the schedule. Examinations are conducted with at least one faculty available as Invigilator for a hall. After exams, papers are collected by the invigilators and handed over to the Exam Cell along with attendance report. Exam Cell hands over the answer sheets to the faculty handling the subjects through Examination Co-ordinators within one day. Hall arrangements and seating arrangements are prepared by the Exam Cell.

After evaluation, the results of individual students are recorded. Evaluated answer papers are returned to the students. Mark list is forwarded to the class advisor who consolidates the results of the respective class and sent to Exam Cell for internal assessment.

Procedures for Awarding Marks for Internal Assessment (UG)

Every teacher is required to maintain a ATTENDANCE AND ASSESSMENT RECORD (Logbook) which consists of attendance marked in each lecture or practical or project work class, the test marks and the record of class work (topic covered), separately for each subject. This should be submitted to the Head of the Department for checking the syllabus coverage and the records of test marks and attendance. The Head of the Department will put his signature and the date after due verification. At the end of the semester, the record should be verified by the Head of the Institution, who will keep this document in safe custody (for five years). The university or any inspection team appointed by the University may inspect the records of attendance and assessment of both current and previous semesters.

The Exam Cell collects the internal marks from various departments and forwards it to the University before the commencement of University Examinations as per University Proforma. The procedure for allotment of internal marks for theory paper, practical paper and project viva voce according to the Anna University Regulations will be issued from time to time by the COE.

Final Examination (UG/PG)

After the commencement of the semester, the elective subjects offered in different courses along with the Register number of candidates opting for them are compiled and transmitted to the University by the Principal.

Dates of commencement of University examination along with applications and fee for various courses are received separately from University. The examination fee circular is displayed in the Notice boards. Students remit examination fees in the college office. The filled up applications are verified and forwarded to the University along with fee statement with Principal’s endorsement on application forms.

At the end of each semester, Class Coordinators prepares the attendance of each student in the format prescribed by the University and forwarded it to the Principal through HODs. These are verified and sent to the University. The procedure for requirements for appearing in the semester examinations and for completion of a semester are followed according to the Anna University Regulations issued from time to time.

Requirements for Appearing for Semester Examination (UG/PG)

Candidate shall normally be permitted to appear for the semester examination of the current semester if he/she has satisfied the semester completion requirements and has registered for examination in all courses of that semester according to the Anna University regulations issued from time to time.

Candidates who do not complete the semester (as per Anna University Regulations), will not be permitted to write the end-semester examinations and are not permitted to go to the next semester. They are required to repeat the incomplete semester in the next academic year.

On receipt of intimation from Anna University, the requirement for stationary items including Answer books and cloth line covers etc., for the University Examination is prepared and forwarded to University in the prescribed format by the COE through Principal. Stationary items and advances are received before the commencement of University examination. After completion of the University Examinations, all the accounts are settled with the University as per their guidelines through Principal.

Procedure for Conducting Final Practical’s / Viva Voce Examinations

On receipt of the schedule for conducting practical examination from University / Zonal office for each semester, a circular is sent to all HODs asking for the details of internal examiners and practical examinations. Those faculty who have completed 3 years of teaching experience are eligible for the internal Examiner ship, however relaxation are permitted with the approval of Principal. These are forwarded to University/Zonal office through Principal. Any senior staffs appointed by the Principal acts as Chief Superintendent for conducting practical examinations. The details of approved internal and external examiners with date of each practical subject are received from Zonal office and a copy of same is forwarded to all HODs for effective conduct of the exams.

The Zonal office appoints the external examiner for each practical lab / viva voce from neighboring colleges under their control. External examiners are expected to forward the acceptance / regret letter in the University prescribed form to Zonal office with a copy to the Principal. The same is forwarded to the internal examiners through HODs. Meanwhile, external examiners are also contacted by HODs over phone to find out their convenience / acceptance. If it is not convenient for the external examiner to come on the decided date, then an alternate examiner is arranged by Zonal office with intimation to Principal. Based on this, detailed Time Table is informed to the examiners as per University format. Time Table is also displayed in the department and College Notice board in advance.

If there is any clash of schedule with arrears practical, it is rescheduled with the approval of Zonal office. These are updated and maintained by the Exam Cell.

For each laboratory examinations, Department Examination Co-ordinators/ HOD decides and appoints skilled assistants and technical supporting staff and communicate. The internal examiner along with skilled assistants and technical supporting staff take care of the conduct of practical examination for which they are appointed. The Exam Cell issues necessary forms / stationery items to the internal examiners for conducting laboratory exams.

The practical examinations are conducted batch wise. The External examiner/Internal examiner set the question papers; value the answer scripts and award marks. The marks are allocated for carrying out the experiment, records, observation, calculation and viva voce. After the completion of practical exam, the mark statements are prepared as per University format and signed by both the examiners. The mark statements are sealed in separate covers along with question paper and handed over to the Exam Cell. The same is forwarded to the University by the Principal. The answer paper packets are handed over to the Zonal office.

The External examiner and internal examiners conduct the viva voce for the project with the help of technical supporting staff of their departments. Before the final viva voce, a model viva voce is conducted for the students by the project co-ordinator along with the project guide. The performance in the model exam is also used for awarding the marks. The Viva voce is conducted in batches (4 to 5 students / batch for UG). After the completion of viva voce, the marks statements are prepared and signed by the examiners. The marks statement are sealed in separate covers and handed over to the Exam Cell Coordinators. These are forwarded to the University by the Principal.

Conduct of Final Theory Examinations

The examinations shall ordinarily be conducted between November and December during the odd semesters and between April and May in the even semesters.

For the semester examination, a Chief Superintendent is appointed by the Principal. Chief Superintendent, Exam Cell Coordinators and hall superintendents for different sessions are responsible for the smooth conduct of examinations. Principal / Chief Superintendent appoints reserve hall superintendents. A University Representative from neighboring colleges is appointed by the Zonal office. COE shall send request letters to neighboring colleges for appointing external hall superintendent. Internal and external hall superintendents are appointed for invigilation work. If necessary COE requests the HODs, through a circular to send staff preference of invigilation duties. From the above list, the hall superintendents are selected and appointed by Principal / Chief Superintendent and orders issued. An invigilation schedule is prepared as per University format for follow up. Due to any reason if the hall superintendent cannot report for duty they are advised to make an alternate arrangement and inform to Exam Cell Coordinators/Chief Superintendent in advance. Due to any reason if external / internal hall superintendent’s don’t turn up for the duties, either reserve superintendents to do the duty or alternate hall superintendent are appointed. Question papers are issued by the University as per their schedule in sealed covers. It shall be opened at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time by the Chief Superintendent in front of the University Representative. They shall endorse the signature on the opened question paper cover.

Exam Cell prepares the hall arrangements and seating arrangements as per University prescribed format. The candidates are supposed to locate their hall and seat with their register numbers displayed at the entrance of the examination hall and occupy their respective seats. The candidates are allowed to enter the examination hall only 15 minutes before the commencement of examination.

Candidates are not allowed to leave their seats under any pretext during examination hours. They are required to bring their hall tickets issued to them attested by the Principal at the time of the examination. The timings will be followed for conducting the University examinations as per the Anna University schedule. If a candidate loses his / her Hall ticket, a requisition letter from them to allow him / her to write the examination with the recommendation of HOD and authorization from COE / Chief Superintendent is used as temporary hall ticket.

The Hall superintendent distributes the answer books and question papers. The hall superintendent after verifying the hall ticket, signs in the answer book at the appropriate place. The hall superintendent records attendance in the format given by the University and hands it over to the COE/Chief Superintendent along with undistributed question papers / answer books after 30 minutes of commencement of examination. On completion of the examination, the students hand over the answer books to the hall superintendent. The hall superintendent collects and arranges it in sequential order (branch wise / register number wise) of all the answer books and hands them over to the COE/Chief Superintendent. The answer books handed over by the Hall Superintendent are kept in sealed covers with endorsement by Chief Superintendent and University Representative. The sealed covers are handed over to the Zonal office by the Chief Superintendent through University Representative Any malpractice of the candidate during the examination is reported by the hall superintendent to the COE/Chief Superintendent. The hall superintendent collects the answer paper / supporting materials along with written statement from the concerned candidate and sends it to the COE/Chief Superintendent. The Chief Superintendent forwards the same to University along with a covering letter, students; seating location chart and hall superintendent’s report. A decision on the disciplinary action if any to be taken is decided by the University and intimated to the Principal and the concerned student. The concerned HOD is then informed by the Principal.

Supplementary Examination for students who have completed the Course

The students who have arrears and left the institution after completing the course are intimated about the details of payment of examination fee and commencement of University examinations by the COE through Principal by a letter on receipt of intimation from the University. Based on this, students are expected to pay the required fee and get the detailed Time-Table or practical exam schedule and collect the hall tickets in co-ordination with respective HOD/COE.

Issue of Hall Ticket for Examination

Hall tickets received from Anna University are distributed to eligible students by the respective departments.

Central valuation organised by Anna University / Zonal office

List of faculty with qualification, experience and positions held are sent to University / Zonal office on request. The University releases a circular to inform the commencement of central valuation. Eligible faculties are selected for central valuations and appointment orders are given by the Zonal office.

Examination Rules

A candidate is permitted to use geometric tools, non-programmable calculators and approved tables and data books only during the theory and the practical examinations. No other material / gadget (including cell phone) should be brought inside the examination hall.

A candidate should neither possess / refer any forbidden material in any form nor should seek/obtain assistance in any form from any person / source towards answering the questions during the examinations. He/she should not assist other candidates in any form towards answering the questions during the examinations. The candidate should not reveal his / her identity in any form in the answer scripts. The candidate should not indulge in canvassing either directly or indirectly to award more than deserving marks in the exanimations. The candidate should maintain discipline and decorum during the examinations.

Violation of the above rules in any form during the examinations will attract punishment ranging from levying fine to permanently debarring the candidate from continuing his / her studies as given below.

S. No. Nature of Malpractice Punishment
1 Appeal by the candidate in the answer script to show mercy by way of awarding more than deserving marks. Fine of Rs. 1000/- per course.
2 The candidate writing his / her name in the answer script.
3 The candidate writing his / her registration number in places other than specified in the answer script.
4 Any special marking in the answer script by the candidate.
5 The candidate communicating with neighboring candidate orally or non-verbally; the candidate causing suspicious movement of his / her body.
6 Irrelevant writing by the candidate in the answer script
7 The candidate either possessing the question paper of another candidate or passing his question paper to another candidate with the question paper containing no additional writing on it
8 The candidate facilitating the other candidate(s) to copy from his / her answer script. Invalidating the examination of the particular course written by the candidate.
9 The candidate possessing any incriminating material(s) (whether used or not). For example:- Written or printed materials, bits of papers containing written information, writings on scale, calculator, handkerchief, dress, part of the body, Hall Ticket etc. Invalidating the examinations of the course concerned and all the theory and the practical courses of the current semester registered by the candidate.

Further the candidate is not considered for revaluation of answer scripts of the arrears-courses.

If the candidate has registered for arrears-courses only, invalidating the examinations of all the arrears-courses registered by the candidate.
10 The candidate possessing cell phone(s) / programmable calculator(s)/any other electronic storage device(s) (whether used or not).
11 The candidate possessing the question paper of another candidate with additional writing on it.
12 The candidate passing his / her question paper to another candidate with additional writing on it
13 The candidate passing incriminating materials brought into the examination hall in any medium (hard/soft) to other candidate(s).
14 The candidate copying from neighbouring candidate.
15 Vulgar / offensive writings by the candidate in the answer script. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrears-courses registered by the candidate.
16 The candidate possessing the answer script of another candidate.
17 The candidate passing his / her answer script to another candidate.
18 Appeal by the candidate in the answer script coupled with a promise of any form of consideration.
19 The candidate misbehaving in the examination hall. Invalidating the examinations of all the theory and practical courses of the current semester and all the arrear-courses registered by the candidate;
20 Involved in anyone or more of the malpractices of serial no.9 to 18 for the second or subsequent times. Additional punishment
  • If the candidate has not completed the programme, he / she is debarred from continuing his / her studies for one year i.e., for two subsequent semesters. However the student is permitted to appear for the examination in all the arrears-courses up to the last semester during the debarred period.
  • If the candidate has completed the programme, he / she is prevented from writing the examinations of the arrears-courses for two subsequent semesters.
21 Cases of Impersonation
  • Handing over the impersonator to the police with a complaint to take appropriate action against the person involved in the impersonation by the Chief Supt.
  • If a student of this College is found to impersonate a 'bonafide student', the impersonating student is debarred from continuing his / her studies and writing the examinations permanently. He / she is not eligible for any further admission to any programme of the College
  • Debarring the 'bonafide student' for whom the impersonation was done from continuing his / her studies and writingthe examinations permanently.
  • He / she is not eligible for any further admission to any programme of the College.